like anyway mu nai yi is a nice song yes! :DD
if you can, vote for shawn, yay.
[the rest aren't really good anyway =.= omg la wilson's voice don't match his face T.T]
well anyway.
sch dismissed at 1155 so me ashley annia anna went to SIMPANG for PRATA ^^
its nice having lunch with you guys yeah, and i like singing down the hill xDD
listening was okay, stoned there for 35 mins listening to classical music =.=
ee so lame, it was pretty..okay?
walked downhill with adeline vanessa and chris, lunch with rachel vanessa christopher!
yaoi anime fans omg haha! vanessa ahhh!
lol k ive got nothing to update on =.=
tag replies to today
ryan: sly sly sly
ryan: sly sly sly sly
ryan: sly sly sly sly sly
{rabbit you freaking lame la =.= stop sly-ing me later i dead like seriously. you're a sly bunny xDDD and SHAWN OWNS OKAY! mu nai yi woohooo! and JIANGNAN AND YIQIANNIANYIHOU! :DDD}
pufang: haha yes! it was fun yesterday

pufang: OMG i see yeeteng's FACE. TSK
pufang: haahaha. it looks so funny
{haha yupyupyup! like BBF and fried mars bars LOVE! ^^ and lol okay then haha! next time maybe go in holidays can shop longer =D and hahaha i see yeeteng's face too hahaha! so cute lol, yeeteng come hereeee! ~k we should more of these museum outings yes, they're like a break from too much painting ((:}
chengkor: oh and if some people misunderstood... the kor in chengkor represents pants in hokkien, not brother... woots. and where did this misundertanding sprout from. people just dont know how speak hokkien.
chengkor: lesson 1:cheng is a verb, meaning wear. kor is a noun, means pants. deh is an adjective, meaning bottom in chinese, "di". so put deh and kor together = "di ku" or underwear. wonder wat geraldHAR up to
{LOL i just realised why she put jiayeKOR omg =.= [jiaye you spastic bimbo la] so yup, the misunderstanding sprouted from a bimbo. ohh, so typical [HAHA JIAYE] and uhh. i didn't realise you tag as wear pants everywhere .__. LOLOL. and uhh i don't even understand hokkien la hahaha! oh so that's how dehkor came about. underpants: i nid to wearpants. o.O so gerald =.= maybe he's thinking wrong hahahah! or he always is lalala}
GB: lol emma ltr u grow FAT hahas jk
GB: =) lol u'r phone is wad model?
{you siao la i eat so much also won't grow FAT de lor =.= like YAY. i get to eat as much as i want ^^ and you asked so many times luh omg its k800i. and omg i used ^^ HAHA and i still like my piano pieces wheeeeee!}
ashley: EMMA FUNG!!! i finally bec ame a freedom in audi !!! hehx
{ASHLEY NICOLE!!! and hi i'm a stiffy HAHAHA, i think longlonglong time never play luh. and please. stop. adding. "x" behind. everything. later you really become twit we shall all die in front of you =.= liike hehx euu all dunch lurbbe twiitx to0 sadd l0rrhx *shivers* HAHAH. k la audi pro you now level what le? and prata is nice! :DDD}
yumi: heyhey!!! wahaha! im so touched u admire meXD...ok...tat was random...i didnt wear green...oops...i think i slow^^
{heyheyheyheyhey!!! haha aww~ i'm touched you tagged too xDD yumi is cute and i admire cute and bubbly people :DD and yahhh, nevermind as long as you SUPPORT THE ENVIRONMENT its okay hahaha! lol, next week boring econs lehh, i don't want to hear speeches or something .__. seeyou loves!}
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